Esta bibliografía se refiere a
los estudios del software desde una perspectiva conceptual, que incluye
aspectos políticos, económicos y simbólicos, cuya figura principal es Lev
Bratton, B. (2015). The
Stack. On software and sovereignty . Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
Chun, W. H.
(2006). Control and freedom : power and paranoia in the age of fiber
optics. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Chun, W. H.
(2011). Programmed visions : software and memory. Cambridge, MA:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Chun, W., &
Keenan, T. (. (2006). New media, old media : a history and theory reader.
New Yor: Taylor & Francis Group.
N. (2015). Cyber-proletariat : global labour in the digital vortex.
London: Pluto Press.
N., & De Peuter, G. (2009). Games of empire : global capitalism and
video games. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Pres.
Ernst, W. (2013).
Digital memory and the archive. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Fuller, M. (.
(2008). Software studies : a lexicon. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Fuller, M.
(2003). Behind the blip. Essays on the culture of software. New York:
Fuller, M.
(2005). Media ecologies : materialist energies in art and technoculture.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Fuller, M., &
Goffey, A. (2012). Evil media. Cambridge, MA: MIT.
Kitchin, R.
(2014). The Data Revolution. Los Angeles: Sage.
Kitchin, R.,
& Dodge, M. (2011). Code/space : software and everyday life.
Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Manovich, L.
(2013). Software takes command : extending the language of new media.
Norfolk: Bloomsbury.
Montfort, N.,
& otros. (2013). 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1»; : GOTO 10. Cambridge,
MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Parikka, J.
(2015). A geology of media . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Wardrip-Fruin, N.
(2009). Expressive processing. Digital fictions, computer games and
software studies. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.